

The Tree, and Other Holiday Decor

Our tree is up and (mostly) complete. I'm still working on a couple of DIY ornaments, which I'm not even sure I'll get finished by Christmas. 

While we both really wanted a live tree, I am very paranoid about water getting on the wood floors.  I bought a large oil pan at Walmart, typically used to catch oil under parked cars.  I figured that any water that might spill over the lip of the tree stand will be caught by the pan, and not sit under our tree for a month.  The pan is almost completely covered by the tree skirt, and the part that isn't is in the back and hardly noticeable.  I guess we'll see in a few weeks how well that worked!

I bought the tree skirt at Homegoods because I thought it was adorable.  It was also only $20, score!  I love the home-made feel.  

I am really happy with the new glass ornaments we got this year, but I'm thinking that the green ones blend in a little too well with the tree, and it makes some spots look really bare.  I'll probably end up getting some different colored ones in the January after Christmas sales to add a different color. 

I'll also post my "mantle" AKA bookcase.  We used thumb tacks to attach our stockings to the bookcase.  We did it from the inside so there's no noticeable marks. 

I also got a faux mini-tree for the mantle.  I bought some red glittery balls and am planning to hot-glue them to the tree for a little festive sparkle. 

You might notice the santa figurines from my flea-market trip in September.  Yup, those babies cost me $.50 each. 

I also re-used the cranberry centerpieces from Thanksgiving. 

I'm pretty happy with everything so far.  I still have a couple of ornaments and decorations to make.I have also taken over the dining room table with Christmas crafts.

Is everyone else ready for Christmas?  Or will you be making things up until the last minute, like me?

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