

I Installed a Toilet! And other plumbing news.

I'm very excited about this.  I installed the toilet in the master bedroom mostly by myself (Matt had to help me guide the toilet onto the bolts).  I didn't take any "during" photos, because it was basically a gross hole in the floor, but here are some photos of the finished toilet, in all it's porcelain glory:

No leaks or anything!
 We also got the vanity installed!  Well, Matt did most of the work, but it came out really great!  Here it is:

We ended up using a vanity with a 12" base, and 18" at the widest point where the sink sticks out.  Since the room is so small the narrow vanity gives us some extra room, while still providing storage and a large sink basin. 

All we need is a door, the hardware and some touch-up paint and the bathroom will be finished! I can't wait!


  1. What is the brand & model of your vanity / sink?

  2. Oops, I meant to put that in the post! It's a Magick Woods 30" Dark Chocolate Eurostone. We got it at Lowes for $190.
