

New Years Goals Update

Since the year is (more than!) half over, I thought I would look back at my New Year's goals, which I posted at the beginning of the year, and see how I've been doing.

1. Finish the upper level of our house.  This includes finishing the master half bath, trimming the hallway, office, guest bedroom, finishing the master bedroom, and installing closet doors in all rooms.  Not done yet, but we're working on it!

2.  Blog more.  This is pretty arbitrary, but I'd like to post more often and consistently this year.  I'll try for 5 posts per month. hahahahaha.  no.

3. Work out at least 150 times this year.  I've been going to the gym 3-5 times a week in the past few months, so I just want to keep that up. I actually did really good with counting my workouts for the first few months!  Then I stopped.  I think I was around 90 workouts when I stopped counting (at the beginning of May), but I've still been going to the gym.  I even registered for a half marathon!  My training schedule is pretty intense, and I have 108 scheduled workouts between July and November, so I am definitely on track to meet this goal.

4. To pay off the rest of Matt's car.  We should be able to pay it off by July, which will be 2 years early.  Then we can start putting more money towards our family room! Done!  We paid it off in March.

5. To get my LC certification.  I need to get it for work, and I am eligable this summer.  I hope to take the exam next fall. I submitted my application, and recently saw that the registration fee was taken from my bank account.  The exam is Nov 4th, and hopefully I'll know how I did before the end of the year!

6.  To do three speeches for Toastmasters.  I joined Toastmasters about a year ago, and have only completed my first speech.  I'd also like to start performing more leadership roles, since most of the times I just go to meetings and sit there.  I would like to have done every leadership role once by the end of the year.  I did speeches in March, May and June.  I don't have any more scheduled right now, but I'll probably do a couple more before the end of the year.  I also have participated in 2 new leadership roles this year, and I still have 3 to go before I've done all of them.

7.  Take control of the yard.  We didn't really do much in the way of gardening or anything last year, except for maintaining what was already there.  This spring I want to start gardening more.  I also want to start planting vegetables and herbs that we can use. Kind of.  I wanted to get rid of the strip in the front yard, but didn't get around to it this year.  We did dig the french drain in the backyard, and we're working on getting the shed put together.  I also planted an herb garden on the side of the house with basil, mint, chives, oregano and cilantro. 

Overall I think I'm doing pretty well with my goals so far!  It's making me think that maybe next year I should challenge myself more!